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Microbial Phytase Use in Swine Diets (August 2017)

…1,500, and 2,500 phytase units/kg). There were 6 replicate pigs per diet. Feces were quantitatively collected for 5-days after a 7-day adaptation period.Results indicated that supplementation of microbial phytase increased…

Soybean Meal and PRRS in Pigs – March 2016

…to evaluate the potential of SBM levels (low, medium, or high) in combination with phytase (560 or 1415 analyzed FTU/kg) to improve growth and health of weaned pigs originating from…

Soy Protein for Turtles – March 2016

…Pelodiscus sinensis juveniles. Diets were formulated to replace FM protein by SPC at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 or 60% supplemented with phytase (2000 FTU/kg) and each diet was fed…

Improving Crude Protein Digestibility

…corn-soybean meal diet was significantly increased by one protease product when supplemented at high level and when phytase was supplemented. In all the other treatments, protease supplementation had no significant…